FrogBox Waterloo Region, Oakville, Hamilton wants to celebrate Earth Day 2012 by offering $25 off a FROGBOX order of 25 boxes or more. The offer will be for one week. April 22-29!

Since 1970, Earth Day has increased the world's awareness and concern for environmental issues. Having annual days dedicated to worthwhile causes has fostered the kind of mindfulness that makes for socially responsible choices. Earth Day only seems to gain more momentum and has been a great inspiration for Green Acts.

It only takes a simple act to make a difference. Many of us have been taking such action in recent years. Tree planting projects are providing cleaner air, water, and soil. In addition, trees provide vital shade. Lots of us have replaced our incandescent light bulbs with fluorescents in order to cuts power usage (and energy bills.) Also, it has become the norm for consumers to pull out a tangle of canvass shopping bags at the till.

Another great way to make a green choice is by using reusable boxes during your move. Over half of all cardboard still ends up in landfills. During the decomposition process, cardboard releases methane into the air – a gas that is approximately 100 times worse for the climate than carbon.

Every year, millions of people move in North America. That’s a lot of cardboard and tape, and a lot of stress. Who do you know that’s moving? Tell them about FrogBox…From one pad to another…we’re changing the way people move.