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Josh Snider – Ecology Ottawa’s Great Glebe GREEN Garage

I can't say enough great things about FROGBOX and the owner Rob Durie. They were essential in making Ecology Ottawa's Great Glebe GREEN Garage Sale possible. We started out thinking that FROGBOX containers might be kind of useful to our event, but we had no idea just how incredibly helpful the FROGBOX containers would be. As Rob can attest, once we got rolling, we used them for everything! Our amazing volunteers collected donated items from over 150 generous donors across the city and used around 200 FROGBOX containers to help organize and display those items for sales at the event.

Thanks to FROGBOX's support, our event was a huge success. Our volunteers raised over $10000 for Ecology Ottawa and the Ottawa Foodbank, diverted tonnes of useful items from landfills, engaged hundreds of volunteers and supporters, donated all of our leftover items to more than a dozen appreciative community organizations, and had a blast doing it! In addition to the sale itself, we had a bake sale, a veggie BBQ, a full day of live local music, and even a flash mob dance routine by a group of over 75 kids in the neighbourhood. Without question, we could not have acheived this without the generous support from FROGBOX, and from Rob Durie personally.

FROGBOX was the perfect solution to our unique needs. And the personal touch Rob provided was unbelievable. He represents the epitome of fast, friendly, and complete customer service. And best of all, he generously donated all of the containers, and countless hours of his own time to our event. Wow! It was a pleasure working with FROGBOX and we would recommend them to anyone for their storage and moving needs. Rob, from all our volunteers, from everyone who benefitted from the event, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

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