You’ve packed your FROGBOX moving boxes. The movers arrive in the morning & pretty soon you’re going to have a hungry family expecting you to magically provide sustenance. “Hanger” is a definite no-no during this potentially stressful time. Don’t worry! We’ve teamed up with Vega to offer some sound nutritional advice for moving day.
- PLAN AHEAD – Pack a 1stday FROGBOX. Mine consists of a blender, water bottles, travel mugs, cutlery, napkins and snacks.
- EAT BREAKFAST – Eating breakfast will help stabilize your blood sugar, control cravings and boost cognitive function on your big move day. A decrease in blood sugar can lead to fatigue and unhealthy choices. Avoid these bad decisions by staying one step ahead of hunger and eating breakfast. Smoothies are great when you’re on the move, they’re fast, energizing and portable.
- PACK SNACKS – Bring foods that can be kept at room temperature and do not require heating up.
- Fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, grapes
- Veggies: carrots, celery, bell pepper, snap peas
- (try putting the veggies in glass jars with dip at the bottom to reduce mess)
- Nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruit, trail mixes
- Sandwiches
- Cold pasta or grain-based salads
- Snack bars (we like Vega One Bars)
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Pureed food pouches for the kids
- Pre-cooked and chilled meats (chicken, turkey, salmon)
- Hummus
- AVOID THE TEMPTATION – Avoid fast food and make a healthy choice. If you must order take out that first night opt for whole foods and steamed vegetables.
- STAY HYDRATED – Make sure your water bottles stay filled & chilled. Moving is thirsty work; try keeping a few reusable water bottles in your 1stday FROGBOX for easy access. Why not add some lemon slices for some extra vitamin C and to boost your immune system.

Thanks to our friends at Vega for nutritional guidance.