What is your name? Scott & Catherine McQueen (brother & sister)
Franchise information: Saskatoon www.frogbox.com/Saskatoon
What area do you service? Saskatoon & Surrounding Area
What would you like to build out of FrogBoxES? A grain elevator
What is the craziest use of FrogBoxES you've seen? Beer coolers for a super bowl party
When did you start hating cardboard? University days (a while ago)
How did you first hear about FrogBox? On a CBC tv interview about expansion into the States. We thought it was a great idea and wanted to bring it to Saskatoon where we were born and raised. Its also a business concept that ultimately helps people and environment.
What are your goals? To be a successful business and be the face of moving boxes in Saskatoon.
We will be at Homestyles 2012 March 22-25 here in Saskatoon, also come check out our website we would be happy to help make your residential or business move easier and less stressful, sun or snow!