Name: Matt Harbut
Franchise: FrogBox Madison
Local Website:
What ares do you service? All of Dane County
What would you love to build out of FrogBoxES? An ice fishing hut on Lake Mendota
When did you start to hate cardboard? Two years ago, when we moved Madison, we had a six foot tall pile of flattened cardboard after our move – I offered the boxes for free on Craigslist but no takers so I ended up having to rent a pickup to take the stuff to the recycling depot – it cost me $40 just to get rid of it!
What's the craziest use of a FrogBox you've seen? A terrarium? Well I haven't seen it yet but stay tuned, there may be something in the works with our friends at the UW Arboretum.
How did you first hear about FrogBox? My youngest brother told me about it in 2009 when he was hired on as FrogBox's first employee
Why did you choose to partner with FrogBox? I think its a great service that solves a real problem in a sustainable way. And all the Harbuts are doing it. (Phil Harbut works in franchise support and is one of the owners of the Toronto location Ken Harbut is one of the owners in Fraser Valley!)
What are your goals for your region? To make FrogBox a household name in moving and to partner with other organizations and businesses to promote responsible, low (environmental) impact business practices and lifestyle choices.
Do you have any message to the people of your area? If you are dreading your next move use FrogBox – we'll simplify your move, you'll save us all some energy and resources and our frog-mobile will make you smile!